MDXC May 9, 2023

The Madison DX Club Website

  Meeting Minutes for MDXC May 9, 2023   



The May MDXC Business Meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM CDST by President Kevin-N9JKP

Members Present: 14

Guests Present: 33

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from previous meeting posted to and accepted as recorded.

Treasurer’s Report: $ 1090.58

Committee Reports:
DX: Propagation has been excellent with many DX openings on the higher bands.
DX: Bob-W9EWZ reported frequent solar events and aurora are providing enhanced 6m and 2m propagation.
DX: Lloyd-N9LB reported T8, 9M4, 5U, 8Q and OJ0 DXpeditions are QRV this month.
DX: Several members reported working into South America on 6m in the last week.
Skimmer: Working, Ted-K9IMM reports some days generate over 100,000 spots.
Website: Working
Email reflector: Working
Swap reflector: Working
Scholarship: Ed-N9MW reported no qualified applications for scholarship were received this year.
Scholarship: Ed-N9MW shared that the Scholarship Committee is looking for people to assist with administration.

General Member Information:

Old Business:
Continued discussion on in-person meetings.
Several members suggested summer in-person events or shack tours.
All were in agreement that Zoom meetings and programs should continue year round.

New Business:

The May 2023 MDXC Business Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM CDST by President Kevin-N9JKP

Program: "Amateur Radio in Ukraine before and after the invasion" presented by Andriy Rockmanov, UR3AN

Submitted by Jim Hugo - KE9ET, MDXC Secretary/Treasurer, May 9, 2023

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